【带着英语旅行】在餐馆里 Conversation 3 Pay the bill

【带着英语旅行】在餐馆里 Conversation 3 Pay the bill

2014-11-21    10'16''

主播: JJ(自由鸟)

164 23

Anthony: Waitress, can I have the bill, please? Waitress: Yes, sir. How would you like to pay the bill, sir? Anthony: Do you accept credit cards? Waitress: Yes, sir. But we only accept American Express, Master card and Visa. What kind do you have? Anthony: Master card. Here you go. Waitress: Wait a moment, please. 安东尼:服务生,麻烦买单. 服务生:好的,先生,您想用什么方式付账? 安东尼:你们接受信用卡吗? 服务生:可以,但我们只接受美国运通卡、万事达卡和威士卡,您用什么卡? 安东尼:万事达卡。这是我的卡。 服务生:请稍等。