The very quiet cricket

The very quiet cricket

2018-08-03    06'32''

主播: 美吉姆沈阳铁西中心

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One warm day, from a tiny egg a little cricket was born. 在温暖的一天,一只小蟋蟀从一个瘦小的卵里诞生了。 Welcome! Chirped a big cricket, rubbing his wings together. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened.Not a sound. 欢迎你的到来!一只大蟋蟀摩擦着翅膀叫到。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 Good morning! whizzed a locust, spinning through the air. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 早上好!一只蝗虫在空中旋转着,跟他打招呼。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 Hello! whispered a praying mantis, scraping its huge front legs together. The little cricket wanted to answer, sohe rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 你好!正在祈祷的螳螂小声问候,他那像切割刀的大前腿合拢在一起。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 Good day! crunched a worm, munching its way out of an apple. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 多好的天气啊!一只毛毛虫咔嚓咔嚓的咬着苹果,正在奋力咬出一条路来。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发出声音。 Hi! bubbled a spittlebug, slurping in a sea of forth. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wingstogether. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 嗨!一只沫蝉吹着泡泡说,他面前好大一片泡泡。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 Good afternoon! screeched a cicada, clinging to a branch of a tree. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 下午好!一只紧贴在树枝上的蝉大声问候。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 How are you! hummed a bumblebee, flying from flower to flower. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 你好呀!一只大黄蜂嗡嗡叫,在花丛里飞来飞去。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 Good evening! whirred a dragonfly, gliding above the water. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 晚上好!一只蜻蜓呼呼的飞,滑行在水面上。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 Good night! buzzed the mosquitoes, dancing among the stars. The little cricket wanted to answer, so he rubbed his wings together. But nothing happened. Not a sound. 晚安!一群蚊子嗡嗡嗡,在星空中跳舞。小蟋蟀想回应,他摩擦一下他的翅膀,但是什么也没有发生,没有任何声音。 A luna moth sailed quietly through the night. And the cricket enjoyed the stillness. 一只天蚕蛾悄悄地划过夜空,小蟋蟀享受着这份宁静。 As the luna moth disappeared silently into the distance, the cricket saw another cricket. She, too, was a very quiet cricket. Then he rubbed his wings together one more time. And this time… 当那只天蚕蛾悄悄地消失在远处,小蟋蟀看见了另一只蟋蟀。她也那么安静,然后他再次摩擦他的翅膀,这次…… …he chirped the most beautiful sound that she had ever heard. 他听到了最最美妙的声音。
上一期: Shenandoah
下一期: Late night at the zoo