2016-02-18    02'06''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语能力,报名吉米老师听力口语特训班,百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,593个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! Wysiwyg. Wysiwyg。 But it&`&s not spelt as it sounds.Wysiwyg. 但是拼写并不像听起来那样:Wysiwyg。 It&`&s an acronym meaning &`&what you see is what you get&`&. 这是个首字母缩写词,意思是‘what you see is what you get(所见即所得)’。 It came in in the early 1980s in computing. 这个词出现在上个世纪80年代早期的计算机行业。 It meant that what you see on the screen is what you get in the output. 意思是,你在屏幕上看到的内容就是你所输出的内容。 For example, you type something on the screen and when you print it out, it looks just like it&`&s on the screen. 比如说,你打印出来的内容就是你在屏幕上输入的内容,它看起来就像是在屏幕上一样。 Wysiwyg. It was especially found in desktop publishing. Wysiwyg尤其被用于桌面排版。 So it&`&s a technical term then? 那,它是一个术语了? Well, yes, but the phase actually isn&`&t. 嗯,是的,但是这个短语其实不是。 And that&`&s the thing I want to draw your attention to - the phrase was never technical. 而这正是我想让大家注意的地方——这个短语从来都不属于术语范畴。 It actually started in the United States, in a television show, in the early 1970s; it was called &`&Rowan and Martin&`&s Laugh-In&`&. 它是在美国开始被使用的,一开始是在上个世纪70年代的一个电视节目上;这个节目名字叫做‘Rowan and Martin&`&s Laugh-In&`&(洛万和马丁偷着乐)。 An actor there called Flip Wilson appeared as a cross-dressing character called Geraldine and as he came on, he would say, &`&what you see is what you get!&`& 有个叫做Flip Wilson的男性演员反串女装扮演了一个叫做Geraldine的角色,只要他一出场,他总会说,what you see is what you get!(你看到的都是货真价实的)。 And I&`&ve heard it used since in all sorts of circumstances. 从那以后,我就经常在各种各样的场合听到这个短语了。 I&`&ve heard it used in restaurants referring to the food - &`&what you see is what you get&`&. 我在餐厅听到过人们使用这个短语来表示‘你看到的食物就是你能吃到的食物——所见即所得’。 And in a tourist brochure referring to beautiful scenery - &`&come to this country and what you see is what you get&`& - that is, the tourist guide will give you everything you expect. 而,在旅游宣传册上面,在说到名胜景点的时候,他们也会说‘来这个国家吧,你在图册上看到的就是你即将看到的’,也就是说,导游会给你所期望的一切。 And it got its accolade, I think, this phrase, when Britney Spears had a song which included it - &`&because I can promise U baby what you see is what U get&`& - the word &`&you&`& was spelt with just a capital letter &`&U&`&. 当布兰妮的一首歌曲里面出现了这个短语what you see is what you get之后(because I can promise U baby what you see is what U get因为我能向你保证,你看到的就是你得到的),我觉得,它就开始走俏了。这句话里面的you就只用了一个大写的U。