

2017-12-14    07'51''

主播: 诺 Tayler

23 0

Footsteps on My Attic/阁楼上的脚步声 “Mummy,does the boogie man live upstairs in our attic?” “No,darling. There is no boogie man,and even if there was,he doesn,t live in our attic. Why do you ask,Samantha?” “Because I can hear him walking around up there at night.”Samantha shivered as she revealed this fact to me. “No,darling,it,s not the boogie man,s footsteps. It,s probably the central heating making funny clanking noises. Don,t worry about it,darling. Now settle down,I,ll tuck you in and read you a nice story before you go to sleep.”I pulled up the covers around Samantha,and opened the book of fairy tales we had bought her for Christmas.“Once upon a time there lived a fairy princess called Esmeralda...” “I,ve heard that one,”said Samantha,“Daddy read it to me yesterday.” “Okay then,Once upon a time there lived a little green frog,in a lovely big pond at the bottom of the garden of Princess Annika,s palace...” That did the trick. I read a couple of pages,and soon Samantha was sleeping soundly. I turned out the reading lamp,just leaving her little bedside night light casting a rosy glow over her lovely blond curls,and crept out of her room. I paused at the bottom of the stairway to the attic,and listened for any sound that might sound like footsteps to Samantha,but could hear nothing,except distant mumbling and music from the TV which was on in the kitchen downstairs. However,instead of going downstairs to watch TV while I prepared our evening meal as usual,I decided to sit quietly reading in my bedroom for a while. Roger was going to be late home again tonight as he was on the late shift,so I could rustle up his dinner later. I wanted to know what Samantha had been hearing from our attic. I sat in my rocking chair by the window,and started to read the novel that I kept by my bed. After a couple of chapters I heard it: a slow creaking noise,followed by the sound of soft footsteps shuffling across the floor above; then another sound from above,rather like a creaking door. Then it went quiet again. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. What could it be? Should I wait for Roger to come home before investigating? Now,I don,t believe in boogie men,or ghosts. But I do believe in burglars,and squatters. And the noises in the attic definitely sounded like footsteps. Our house has a wooden-boarded attic, with a little window in the apex wall. It could be perfectly possible for someone to break into the attic via that window,I thought. Neither of us had been up into the loft since after Christmas when we took down all our Christmas decorations,and returned them to the big box in the attic. I went downstairs to find something heavy. For some reason,I thought I would be able to tackle a burglar or a squatter with a baseball bat or something. Then I had a rethink. Perhaps I should wait for Roger to come home instead. After all,the door to the attic was locked,wasn,t it? I went up again to check,but I couldn,t see the key in the lock. That was strange. I started to get even bigger misgivings. Where was the key? I decided to ring Roger on his mobile,but there was no answer,so I left him a message to ring me as soon as possible. I couldn,t settle after that,and I sat on the bottom of the stairs with the baseball bat in one hand,and my phone in the other at the ready. Soon the phone rang. It was Roger. I went into the kitchen and told him in a hushed voice about the noises I had heard coming from the attic. He laughed. I can,t believe he laughed! He told me not to worry,and said that he would be home in five minutes. As I heard Roger,s car pull up in the driveway,I rushed to the front door. He was still grinning at me as he got out of the car,but then he realized how upset I was,and he gave me a hug to console me. “Come with me,”he said,“It was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday next week,but I suppose I had better show you now.” “Show me what?”I asked. “What,s up in the attic.”he answered. He took my hand and pulled me up the stairs,taking the key to the attic out of his pocket with his other hand. “There you are,”he said,as he opened the attic door,“Happy Birthday for next Monday, darling.” I stood gawping with amazement as Roger flicked on the light. “I have been working on this for weeks while you were out during the day and sometimes,when I could manage to get up there without you knowing,even when I was on evening shifts. I have taken some of my holiday entitlement to finish it. Unfortunately,I sometimes lost track of time and had to make my escape via the attic windowwhen you had come home and put Samantha to bed. I didn,t think you would hear when you were downstairs cooking our dinner.” “Well,it looks lovely,thank you,darling,”I said,“You know I,ve always wanted an extra bedroom up here. This will be just perfect for Samantha. Then we can think about having another baby in the nursery.” We both flopped down laughing onto the beautiful pink fairy quilt spread out over the new divan. I said,“Oh,it was such a pretty room,and I knew Samantha would love it. Maybe it would bring us luck.” “妈妈,我们家的阁楼上住着妖怪吗?” “不会呀,亲爱的,世上没有妖怪,即使有的话,他也不会住在我们家的阁楼上。你为什么会这么问,萨曼莎?” “因为晚上我能听到上面有人四处走动的声音。”当萨曼莎向我透露这件事时一直哆嗦着。 “不,亲爱的,这并不是妖怪的脚步声,很可能是中央暖气发出的有趣的当啷声。亲爱的,不要担心。现在安 心下来,我给你掖好被子,在你睡觉前给你讲个故事吧。”我撩起被子把萨曼莎包好,然后打开那本童话书,那是我们圣诞节送给她的。“很久以前,有一个叫艾斯梅拉达的童话公主住在……” “我听过这个故事,”萨曼莎说,“爸爸昨天就读给我听了。” “好吧,那么这个呢,很久以前,有一个小青蛙住在安妮卡公主的花园尽头的一口美丽的大池塘里……” 这个故事奏效了。我读了几页之后,萨曼莎很快就酣然入梦了。我关了台灯,只留了她床边的小夜灯,灯光在 她那可爱的金色鬈发上投射出玫瑰色的光晕,我蹑手蹑脚地溜出了她的房间。 我在通往阁楼的楼底下停下了脚步,听一听是否有任何可能像萨曼莎口中所说的脚步声的声响,但是除了远处 的呢喃声和从厨房楼下的电视机传出的音乐之外,什么也没听到。然而,我没有像往常一样走下楼去,一边准 备我们的晚餐一边看着电视。我决定先在自己的房间安静地看会儿书。因为轮到罗杰值夜班,今晚他又要很晚 才回家,所以我可以稍晚些再迅速地弄好他的晚餐。我想知道萨曼莎之前究竟从我们的阁楼里听到了什么。我 坐在靠窗的摇椅上,开始读着我一直放在床边的小说。 读了几章之后,我听到了先是一阵缓慢的嘎吱嘎吱的声音,紧接着就在上方的地板穿过拖着脚走路的轻轻的脚 步声,然后上面又传来另一种声音,很像嘎吱作响的门。然后又安静下来了。我脖子后面的汗毛都竖起来了。那会是什么呢?我是否该等到罗杰回来再调查呢? 虽然,我不相信妖怪或幽灵,但是我相信会有窃贼和擅自占用房屋的人,阁楼上的声音确实听起来像脚步声。我家的房子有一个木板筑造的阁楼,阁楼的顶墙开了一扇小窗。我想,完全有可能有人从那扇窗子破窗而入。自从圣诞节我俩将所有的圣诞节装饰物取下来,然后把它们放回阁楼上的大箱子里之后,就再也没有上过阁楼 了。 我想下楼去找些重物。不自觉地,我想我可以用棒球棍之类的东西对付窃贼或是擅自占用房屋的人。然后我再 想了一下,也许我该等着罗杰回来,毕竟,阁楼的门是锁着的,难道不是吗?我又去查看了一下,但是我没有 找到锁的钥匙,太奇怪了。我开始更加觉得疑虑。钥匙在哪儿呢?我决定给罗杰打电话,却无人接听,于是我 给他留言让他尽快给我回电话。之后我的心一直难以平复,坐在楼底下,一只手拿着棒球棍,一只手握着手机 随时准备着。很快电话就响起来了,是罗杰打来的。我去厨房,压低声音告诉他自己听到了从阁楼传来的声音。他笑了起来,我不敢相信他竟然笑得出来!他告诉我不要担心,还说他五分钟内就到家了。 当我听到罗杰的车驶入车道的声音,我就冲向前门去。他下了车,仍站在那儿对我咧着嘴笑,然后才意识到我 是多么的沮丧,于是他给了我一个拥抱来安慰我。 “跟我来,”他说,“原本打算下星期生日时给你一个惊喜,但是我想最好现在就给你看看。” “给我看什么?”我问道。 “阁楼上的东西。”他回答。 他牵起我的手,拉着我上楼,另一只手从口袋里掏出了阁楼的钥匙。 “你看,”他一边说一边打开了阁楼的门,“下周一生日快乐,亲爱的。” 罗杰“啪”地就打开了电灯,我满脸惊愕地站着傻看。 “趁你白天出门,我这几个星期一直在弄这个。还有些时候是在你毫不知情的时候我就起床了,甚至是趁我值夜班的时候。我用了一部分假期津贴来完成它。可惜的是,有时我忘了时间,当你回家哄萨曼莎上床睡觉时,我不得不通过阁楼的窗户溜走。我想你在楼下准备我们的晚餐时应该不会听到。” “不错呀,它看上去很可爱,谢谢你,亲爱的。”我说,“你知道的,我一直想在上面这儿再要一间卧室。这对萨曼莎来说实在是完美。接下来我们就可以考虑在育儿室再放一个婴儿了。” 我们笑着躺倒在铺好棉被的新沙发床上,被子是粉红色的,还绣着仙女图案。我说:“哦,这是一间多么漂亮的房间啊,我就知道萨曼莎会喜欢的。也许它会给我们带来好运。”