小故事 大启发eleven

小故事 大启发eleven

2017-12-19    03'51''

主播: 诺 Tayler

16 0

Growing Flowers in Your Heart 在心里种花 An aged man lived in a nice cottage with a large garden in a town in England. He is seen busy looking after his flowers all the time. 在英国一座小镇上,有一个别致的小木屋,屋子里住着一个上了年纪的人,他有一个很大的花园。人们每天都能看到他在园子里忙着照看那些花儿。 One day a young painter went by this garden. He was deeply attracted by the beautiful flowers, imaging how happy he could be if he lived there. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was blind. 有一天,一位年轻的画家路过这里,他被这些美丽的花儿深深吸引住了,想象着要是自己能住在那里该有多好。这时他突然看到了那位老园丁是个盲人。 The painter was very surprised to ask, “Why are you busy tending these flowers which you can’t see? ” 画家感到十分意外,不解地问道:“你根本看不见这些花,却忙个不停地照看它们,这是为什么?” The blind gardener smiled, answering, “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers, yet I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you. ” “Me? But you don’t know me. ” responded the painter. 盲人笑了,他说:“我可以告诉你四个理由:第一,我年轻的时候是个园丁,我热爱园艺工作;第二,我的眼睛虽然看不见,但可以抚摸我的花;第三,我可以闻见它们的芬芳;至于第四个原因嘛,则是因为你。” “我?但是,你本来就不认识我呀?”画家回答到。 “Yeah, it’s true that I don’t know you. But I know flowers are earthly angels which everyone knows and would never turn them down. I know many people who show enthusiasm in life would stop by and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good mood. In the meantime, it also extends a chance to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us. ” 老人接着说:“是的,我是不认识你,但我知道花是人间仙子,所有人都认识花,都不会拒绝它们。我知道不少像你这样热爱生活的人在此经过,都会因为看到我花园的美丽而驻步,从而心情愉快。我也因此有机会和你在这里聊天,一起分享花带来的快乐。” I believe every flower has eyes with which they can see the kindness of the old man’s heart and the sweetness of his soul. He grows flowers in his heart. I suppose although failing the sight of the beauty of blossoming, he surely can hear the voice of it. 我相信每一朵花都是有眼睛的,它一定能看到盲人的善良和他崇高的灵魂。盲人种花,把花种在了心里,虽然看不到花开的美丽,但是,我猜想他一定能听到花开的声音。