No.58 The Ugly Duckling

No.58 The Ugly Duckling

2017-04-19    03'05''

主播: 和Jacky一起快乐阅读

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Once upon a time Mrs duck looked at her ducklings. One was too big. You are not a duckling, she said, you are too ugly. The ducklings said, ugly duckling, ugly duckling, we don't want you here. Go over there. Go on! The duckings jumped into the water. Ugly duckling jumped into the water. He tried to play with the ducklings, but they blew water at him. Go over there. Go on! We don't want you here, they said. Ugly duckling went to see the hens. Will you play with me? He said. No, said the hens, you are not a hen. And they blew seed at him. Ugly duckling went to see the turkeys. Will you play with me? He said. No, said the turkeys, you are not a turkey. And they blew straw at him. Go! Said the ducks. Go! Said the hens. Go! Said the turkeys. Just go, go, go! Ugly duckling ran off. He ran under a fence. He went into a shed and he did not come out. Ugly duckling was sad. He put his head under his wing. No one will play with me, he said, I am too ugly. Spring came. Ugly duckling saw a swan on the pond. Ugly duckling said to the swan, I wish I looked like you. But you do, said the swan. Ugly duckling looked in the water. I am a swan, he said. Come with me, said the swan. And off they flew.