

2017-11-08    01'50''

主播: Ladymo

66 1

We finally have the answer to "what kind of psycho stays friends with their ex?" and I'm feeling very vindicated over here.   对于“有什么样心理的人会和他们的前任保持朋友关系?”这个问题我们终于有了一个明确的答案。   In a study out of Oakland University, researchers set out to figure out if there's any correlation between "dark personality traits" - e.g., narcissism, duplicity, psychopathy - and involvement with exes.   在奥克兰大学的一项研究中,研究人员着手研究“黑暗人格特质”如自恋、表里不一、精神变态以及与前任交往之间是否存在相关性。   Researchers asked 860 people to list the reasons why they were for their involvement with their exes. Subjects were asked series of questions to rate the reasons they maintained relationships with exes. They were then surveyed to determine if they had dark personality traits.   研究人员让860个人列出了他们为什么要与前任联系的原因。研究者根据一系列问题来对他们与前任保持关系的原因做出排序。然后再对被调查者进行黑暗人格特征测试。   In a not that surprising turn of events, the subjects found to have dark personality traits were more likely to stay close to their exes for "practical and sexual reasons." Broadly spoke to narcissism expert Dr. Tony Ferretti who agreed with the study's findings, saying that people with dark personality types are most interested in how relationships can personally benefit them, and will stay connected to exes who have "valuable resources."   结果并不出乎意料,被发现有黑暗人格特征的受试者更倾向于因为实际和性方面的理由与他们的前任保持亲密关系。”借认可这项研究的自恋心理研究专家Tony Ferretti博士的话说,有黑暗人格的人最感兴趣的是人际关系如何能让他们自身受益,并且更倾向于与那些有“宝贵资源”的前任保持联系。   "They also have inside information about their ex's vulnerabilities and weaknesses that they can exploit and manipulate which gives them a sense of power and control," he said.   他说:“这些人内心对他们前任的弱点也有所了解,这样他们就可以根据这些弱点对前任加以利用和控制,他们也因此会得到有一种权力和控制感。”