

2017-08-12    35'07''

主播: Sean🐱

7999 333

She had been feeling completely drained of energy. 近来,我很有些嗜睡。 "It's because you are carrying the little emperor," Nai Nai said. "Of course you are tired, Empress. You mustn't worry." 奈奈说:“大概是因为怀了孕,所以分外渴睡些,娘娘不必担心。” Nai Nai was her serving girl, and the only immortal in Xiwu Palace of the Ninth Sky who smiled at her and called her Empress. The other immortals all looked down on Su Su because Ye Hua had not formally wed her and because she was not like them: she was just a mortal. 奈奈是照顾我的婢女,也是整个洗梧宫唯一肯对我笑,唤我“娘娘”的仙子。其他仙子们大多看不起我。因为夜华并没有封给我什么名分。也因为,我没有仙籍,只是个凡人。 Nai Nai opened the window; a breeze blew through the room, and footsteps could be heard outside. "His Majesty has come to pay you a visit, Empress," Nai Nai said joyfully. 奈奈似乎推开了窗,有风拂进来,窗外传来谁的脚步声。奈奈的声音有些惊喜:“娘娘,是太子殿下来看您了呢。” With movements like a wooden puppet's, Su Su pushed herself up from under the embroidered quilt and sat against the bed rail. She had no idea how long she had been asleep, but her head still felt foggy. She had only just woken up, but was still sleepy, extremely sleepy. 我从锦被里爬起来,靠着床栏,脑子有些不清不楚,虽然刚刚才醒,但仍然犯困。 She sank farther into the quilt as the black-haired prince Ye Hua, dressed in black, sat on the edge of her bed. 被褥陷下去了一点,我想,是夜华坐到了我的身边。 Holding the quilt, she eased herself back. There was silence. She thought he must be angry. When had it started, this fear whenever she saw him? It had become almost a reflex. You cannot let him know you are still angry with him. You must not offend him, she thought in confusion. 她拥着被子往后一移,一阵静默,她想他大约生气了,不知从什么时候起,她见到他会有这种惧怕,但惧怕,似乎已成为一种本能。不能让他以为自己仍在闹脾气,不能开罪他太甚,她模糊地想. "Aren't the stars bright this evening?" she said quietly. She had been trying not to tremble, but her voice came out sounding shaky. 忍着战栗低声搭话:“今晚,星星还亮得好吗?”声音却是颤抖的. "Su Su, it's daytime," he said after a pause. 他顿了好一会儿才回答:“素素,现在是白天。”