见信如晤Letters Live:我的缪斯女神不是一匹马 (Kylie Minogue)

见信如晤Letters Live:我的缪斯女神不是一匹马 (Kylie Minogue)

2017-08-29    02'28''

主播: 莱读书

277 16

1996年,澳大利亚大师级摇滚歌手Nike Cave(尼克·凯夫)因专辑《谋杀民谣》获得MTV音乐大奖“最佳男艺术家”提名,但尼克不愿意用世俗排名竞争去衡量自己灵感缪斯女神,写了封超棒的婉拒信,告诉MTV希望取消提名。澳洲歌手Kylie Minogue在Letters Live上读了这封信。 ------------------------------ 21 Oct 1996 1996年10月21日 To all those at MTV, 致MTV团队全体同仁 I would like to start by thanking you all for the support you have given me over recent yearsand I am both grateful and flattered by the nominations that I have received for Best MaleArtist. 首先我向全体同仁致谢,感谢你们近几年来的支持。对于我获得最佳男艺术家的提名,我感到无上的感激与荣幸。 The air play given to both the Kylie Minogue and P.J.Harvey duets from my latest album MurderBallads has not gone unnoticed and has been greatly appreciated. 出自我最新专辑《谋杀民谣》中,凯莉米洛和P.J哈维的合唱,已获得关注且颇得好评。 So again my sincere thanks. 所以再次致以诚挚的谢意。 Having said that, I feel that it&`&s necessary for me to request that my nomination for best maleartist be withdrawn and furthermore any awards or nominations for such awards that mayarise in later years be presented to those who feel more comfortable with the competitivenature of these award ceremonies. 话虽如此,我感到有必要请求取消我最佳男艺术家的提名,并且未来可能的任何类似的奖项或提名,请颁给那些对颁奖典礼的竞争属性感到更为舒适的人。 I myself, do not. 至于我,并不是。 I have always been of the opinion that my music is unique and individual and exists beyondthe realms inhabited by those who would reduce things to mere measuring. 我一直持有这种观点,我的音乐是独特的,唯一的,它的存在超越了纯数值计算。 I am in competition with no-one. 我不与任何人竞赛。 My relationship with my muse is a delicate one at the best of times and I feel that it is myduty to protect her from influences that may offend her fragile nature. 我与缪斯(灵感)女神的交往,恰逢其会,精心雅致。我感到我的职责便是保护她的精巧气质,免受伤害。 She comes to me with the gift of song and in return I treat her with the respect I feel shedeserves — in this case this means not subjecting her to the indignities of judgement andcompetition. 她走近我,赠予我歌之禀赋,我当报以她应得的敬意,如此,也意味着,我不会让她遭受评判与竞争之辱。 My muse is not a horse and I am in no horse race and if indeed she was, still I would notharness her to this tumbrel — this bloody cart of severed heads and glittering prizes. 我的缪斯女神不是一匹马,我也并没有参加赛马比赛。即便她真的曾是匹马,我也不会把她系上这死囚车。那血腥的马车上携着砍下的头颅和璀璨的奖金。 My muse may spook! May bolt! May abandon me completely! 我的女神也许会受惊,也许会脱缰,也许会彻底抛弃我! So once again, to the people at MTV, I appreciate the zeal and energy that was put behind mylast record, I truly do and say thank you and again I say thank you but no...no thank you. 所以,MTV团队,我再一次对你们在我新唱片背后所付出的热忱与精力表示感谢,发自肺腑的不胜感激,真的我要再说一次感谢!但,(关于提名)还是别了,别了……感谢! Yours sincerely, Nick Cave 尼克·凯夫敬上