

2018-04-10    05'00''

主播: 多穗

145 0

既然还幸运的活着,当然要全力以赴的快乐。 Since we are still lucky to be alive, we must be full of happiness. 我不是最好的,却是你再也遇不到的。 I'm not the best. I'm the one you'll never see again. 你喜欢一个人时,世界都是一封情书。 When you like a person, the world is a love letter. 遇见你,是旷野的风闯进心房,是眉间的雪融进眼眶。 Meeting you is the wind of the wilderness into the atrium, is the snow of the brow melt into the eye socket. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here, we should dance.---人生或许不是我们期盼的那场宴会,但既然来了,就跟着起舞吧。 有些人不曾提起也不会忘记,有些事不愿说起却还牢记着。 Some people have not been brought up and will not be forgotten, some things do not want to say but still keep in mind. Your parents are still working hard for you, this is the reason you strong today. ~~~你的父母仍在为你打拼,这就是你今天坚强的理由。
上一期: 1《情诗》——沈从文
下一期: 3you pome