一个小女孩和她的小兔子的故事 Knuffle Bunny(附原文)

一个小女孩和她的小兔子的故事 Knuffle Bunny(附原文)

2014-08-09    02'27''

主播: Max冬冬

1645 68

Not so long ago, before she could even speak words, Trixie went on an errand with her daddy... Trixie and her went down the block, through the park, past the school, and into the Laundromat. Trixie helped her daddy put the laundry into the machine. She even got to put the money into the machine. Then they left. But a block or so later... Trixie realized something. Trixie turned to her daddy and said, "Aggle flaggle kallable!" "That's right," replied her daddy. "We're going home." "AGGLE FLAGGLE KALLABLE!" said Trixie again. "Blaggle plabble." "Wumpy flappy?!" "Snurp." "Now, please don't get fussy," said her daddy. Well, she had no choice... Trixie bawled. "Waaaaa!" She went boneless. She did everything she could to show how unhappy she was. By the time they got home, her daddy was unhappy, too. As soon as Trixie's mommy opened the door, she asked, "Where's Knuffle Bunny?" The whole family ran down the block. And they ran through the park. They zoomed past the school, and into the Laundromat. Trixie's daddy looked for Knuffle Bunny. And looked... and looked... and looked... But Knuffle Bunny was nowhere to be found... So Trixie daddy decided to look harder. Until... "KNUFFLE BUNNY!!!" And those were the first words Trixie ever said.