Mr. Big was a giant.
He was a very, very big giant.
He lived in a big house with big windows and a big door.
One day Mr. Big went for a walk.
Mr. Big walked down the road.
He saw a little girl.
She was sad because her kitten was stuck high up on the roof.
Mr. Big reached up to the kitten.
He smiled and said, "I will help you."
Mr. Big walked down the road.
He saw a little boy.
The boy was sad because his kite was stuck high up in a tree.
Mr. Big reached up to the kite.
He smiled and said, "I will help you."
Mr. Big walked down the road.
He saw some children.
They were sad because all their balloons were stuck on a lamppost.
Mr. Big reached up to the balloons.
He smiled and said, "I will help you."
The children said, "Thank you Mr. Big. You are a big help. Look what we have got for you."
And Mr. Big said, "Yum, yum!"