Max送给爸爸的生日礼物 What Dads Can't Do 附原文

Max送给爸爸的生日礼物 What Dads Can't Do 附原文

2014-10-14    03'24''

主播: Max冬冬

2318 54

There are lots of things that regular people can do but dads can't. Dads can't cross the street without holding hands. Dads can push, but they can't swing. Dads can't pitch a baseball very hard or hit it very far. When dads play hide-and-seek they always get found, but they have a hard time finding you. They aren't very good wrestlers. Dads lose at checkers and cards and almost every other game. Dads aren't good at sleeping late. They can't comb their hair or shave by themselves. Dads like to go camping, but they need lots of help setting up the tent. And cooking. Dads like to go fishing, but they don't like to go alone. And they need extra practice baiting the hook. Sometimes dads have a hard time getting organized. They can't drive very fast. Dads seem to have trouble holding on to their money. Dads can't see you hiding the lima beans at dinnertime. Or feeding them to the cat. They can't eat just one piece of chocolate cake or one scoop of ice cream. Dads like to give baths, but they can't help getting all wet. Dads can't read a book by themselves. Dads really need to be kissed good night at bedtime. Sometimes they leave a nigh-light on because they're a little bit scared of the dark. They also like to check under the bed for monsters. And in the closet. There are so many things that dads can't do it's a wonder they make it through life at all. But Dads can't give up. No matter how tired a dad gets, or how hard life gets, a dad never quits. And most of all, whatever happens, a dad never ever stops loving you.