小毛人系列之 《最棒的展示分享会》The Best Show & Share 附原文

小毛人系列之 《最棒的展示分享会》The Best Show & Share 附原文

2015-02-24    04'37''

主播: Max冬冬

3354 109

"Next week is show and share, so figure out what to bring," my teacher said. The bell rang. It was time to go home. She gave us a sheet of paper for our parents to sign. At home, I asked Mom, "What can I bring?" "Bring your dog," she said. Little Sister wanted me to bring her. "I can’t bring you. You‘re my sister!" I said. "So?" she said. "Never mind," I sid, and went outside. Maybe I could bring an ant farm. No, ants are too yucky. Maybe I could collect different leaves. No, too much work. I called my friends. Timothy was bringing his tarantula. Tiger was bringing his long-haired hamster named Thundercloud. Henrietta was bringing her dog, Fluffy. Gator was bringing his stamp collecton. Malcom was bringing his snake. Bun Bun was bringing her doll collection. I didn‘t know what to bring. I went to the stream to find some worms for fishing. I was looking around when a big bullfrog hopped out of the stream right into my coffee can for worms! Wow, that‘s great, I thought. I put the lid on the can and took the bullfrog home. Dad found an old aquarium. We fixed it up for my frog. We put him in, but before we got th lid on, he jumped out right across the room into the coffee can on the floor. "Wow," said Dad. "He likes that can!" We tried again and he did the same thing over and over again. "You&`&ve got a special show and share," said Mom. I named him Leaping Lizard. I told my friends about Leaping Lizard but they didn’t believe me. After school, I showed them and they were amazed. I made a poster all about bullfrogs. I got pictures off the Internet. The night before show and share, I pasted everything down. Leaping Lizard sat in his coffee can watching me. He really liked that can! I went to bed so excited about the next day. Morning came and I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and ate breakfast. All the parents were driving their kids to school that day. I went to get my frog. He was gone! Oh, no! I forgot to put the top on his aquarium. I ran to the coffee can. No frog. "Mom!" I screamed. "Leaping Lizard is missing!" We looked everywere. I was already late for school. Mom said, "Take your poster to share. I‘ll give you a note for the teacher. I’m sure I wil find your frog." We went to school. I was so upset. Everyone took turns showing and sharing. When it was my turn, I thought I would be sick. Suddenly, Mom came into the room with the aquarium, the coffee can, and my frog. "I found him!" she said. I took my turn. Everyone was amazed. Leaping Lizard jumped into the can every time. When it was all over, I got the "Most Interesting" ribbon. Malcome was mad because he thought his snake should win. Timothy got "Most Scary." Henrietta&`&s dog got "Most Fluffy." Actually, everyone got a ribbon. It was the best show and share ever!