The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo

2017-06-11    08'22''

主播: Max冬冬

4196 58

The Gruffalo 咕噜牛 A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good. 一只小老鼠,叽布叽布,在密林深处溜达。 一只狐狸看到它,馋得口水直滴答。 “Where are you going to, little brown mouse? Come and have lunch in my underground house.” “亲爱的小老鼠,你要上哪啊? 进来吃午饭吧,树底下就是我的家。 “It’s terribly kind of you, Fox, but no-- I’m going to have lunch with a gruffalo.” “哦,狐狸,你太客气啦!可是很抱歉-- 咕噜牛约我来吃饭,一会就见面。” “A gruffalo? What’s a gruffalo?” “A gruffalo! Why, didn’t you know?” “咕噜牛?咕噜牛是谁啊?”狐狸问道。 “咕噜牛就是咕噜牛。怎么,你连这也不知道?” “He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.” “他有可怕的獠牙,可怕的爪子, 可怕的嘴里长满了可怕的牙齿!” “Where are you meeting him?” “Here, by these rocks, And his favorite food is roasted fox.” “你们要在哪见面?“ “就在这块岩石旁边, 烤狐狸这个菜他最喜欢!” “Roasted fox! Oh my !” Fox said. “Goodbye, little mouse,” and away he sped. “烤狐狸?天哪!小老鼠,我还有事要先走!” 狐狸说着,飞也似的就开溜。 “Silly old Fox! Doesn’t he know? There’s no such thing as a gruffalo!” “这只狐狸真是蠢!什么咕噜牛! 难道他不知道,咕噜牛根本就没有?” On went the mouse through the deep dark wood. An owl saw the mouse and the mouse looked good. 这只小老鼠,叽布叽布,继续在林中溜达。 一只猫头鹰看到他,馋得口水直嘀嗒。 “Where are you going to, little brown mouse? Come and have tea in my treetop house.” “亲爱的小老鼠,你要上哪儿啊? 上来喝杯茶吧,树洞那儿就是我的家。 “It’s frightfully nice of you, Owl, but no-- I’m going to have tea with a gruffalo.” “哦,猫头鹰,你太好心啦!可是很抱歉-- 咕噜牛约我来喝茶,一会儿就见面。” “A gruffalo? What’s a gruffalo?” “A gruffalo! Why, didn’t you know?” “咕噜牛?咕噜牛是谁啊?”狐狸问道。 “咕噜牛就是咕噜牛。怎么,你连这也不知道?” “He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes, And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose.” “他的膝盖特别鼓,脚趾叉得特别大, 鼻头上的毒瘤特可怕! “Where are you meeting him?” “Here, by this stream, And his favorite food is owl ice cream.” “你们要在哪见面?” “就在这条小河边, 他最喜欢猫头鹰冰淇淋!” “Owl ice cream? Toowhit! Toowhoo! Goodbye, little mouse,” and away Owl flew. “猫头鹰冰淇淋?对不起,小老鼠,我还有事要先走!” 猫头鹰说着,拍拍翅膀就开溜。 “Silly old Owl! Doesn’t he know? There’s no such thing as a gruffalo!” “这只猫头鹰真是蠢!什么咕噜牛! 难道他不知道,咕噜牛根本就没有?” On went the mouse through the deep dark wood. A snake saw the mouse and the mouse looked good. 这只小老鼠,叽布叽布,继续在林中溜达。 一条蛇看到他,馋得口水直嘀嗒。 “Where are you going to, little brown mouse? Come for a feast in my log-pile house.” “亲爱的小老鼠,你要上哪儿啊? 进来喝杯酒吧,木头堆里就是我的家。 “It’s wonderfully good of you, Snake, but no-- I’m having a feast with a gruffalo.” “哦,蛇,你太热情啦!可是很抱歉-- 咕噜牛约我来喝酒,一会儿就见面。” “A gruffalo? What’s a gruffalo?” “A gruffalo! Why, didn’t you know?” “咕噜牛?咕噜牛是谁啊?”蛇问道。 “咕噜牛就是咕噜牛。怎么,你连这也不知道?” “His eyes are orange, his tongue is black; He has purple prickles all over his back.” “他有黄澄澄的眼睛,黑舌头, 紫色的倒刺长满在他背后。” “Where are you meeting him?” “Here, by this lake, And his favorite food is scrambled snake.” “你们要在哪见面?” “就在这个湖旁边, 炒蛇肉这个菜他最喜欢!” “Scrambled snake? It’s time I hid! Goodbye, little mouse,” and away Snake slid. “炒蛇肉?对不起,小老鼠,我还有事要先走! 这蛇说着扭着身子就开溜。 “Silly old Snake! Doesn’t he know? There’s no such thing as a gruffal... “这条蛇真是蠢!什么咕噜牛! 难道他不知道,咕噜牛根本就......” “Oh!” 噢! But who is this creature with terrible claws, And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws? He has knobbly knees and turn-out toes, And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His eyes are orange, his tongue is black; He has purple prickles all over his back. 哪来这么个大怪物--- 他有可怕的獠牙,可怕的爪子, 可怕的嘴里长满了可怕的牙齿! 他的膝盖特别鼓,脚趾叉得特别大, 鼻头上的毒瘤特可怕! 他有黄澄澄的眼睛,黑舌头, 紫色的倒刺长满在他背后。 “Oh help! Oh no! It’s a gruffalo!” “哦,不,不,不!救命啊!怎么真有...... 怎么真有......咕噜牛?” “My favorite food!” the Gruffalo said. “You’ll taste good on a slice of bread!” “我最爱吃小老鼠!”咕噜牛说道, “弄个老鼠汉堡,味道肯定非常好! “Good?” said the mouse. “Dont’t call me good! I’m the scariest creature in this world. Just walk behind me and soon you’ll see, Everyone is afraid of me.” “味道好?你先别说我味道好! 有件事情,恐怕你还不知道, 在这林子里,大家怕我怕得不得了, 只要跟我走一圈,马上就让你看到, 他们个个见了我,吓得全都赶紧逃。” “Oh, sure!” said the Gruffalo, bursting with laughter. “You lead the way and I’ll follow after.” “那我倒要开开眼!”咕噜牛哈哈大笑, “你在前面走,我跟在你后面瞧。” They walked and walked till the Gruffalo said, “I hear a hiss in the grass ahead.” 一大一小往前走,咕噜牛忽然停下, 草丛里面嘶嘶响,你可知道那是啥? “It’s Snake,” said the mouse. “Why, Snake, hello!” Snake took one look at the Gruffalo. “一定是那条蛇在爬。”小老鼠说,“蛇啊蛇,你好!” 蛇抬起头,把咕噜牛瞧了瞧。 “Oh, dear!” he said, “Goodbye, little mouse,” And slid right into his log-pile house. “哦,我的天啊!”他说,“我得赶紧把命逃!” 哧溜溜他就不见了。 “You see?” said the mouse. “I told you so.” “Amazing!” said the Gruffalo. They walked some more till the Gruffalo said, “I hear a hoot in the trees ahead.” “看见没有?”小老鼠说,“大家见我都逃跑!” “这事还真是有点怪!”咕噜牛说道。 一大一小继续走,咕噜牛忽然又停下。 “树梢顶那咕咕响,你可知道那是啥?” “It’s Owl,” said the mouse, “Why, Owl, hello!” Owl took one look at the Gruffalo. “一定是那只猫头鹰在叫。”小老鼠说,“猫头鹰,你好!” 猫头鹰低下头,把咕噜牛瞧了瞧。 “Boo-whoo!” he said, “Goodbye, little mouse,” And flew right up to his treetop house. “哦,我的妈呀!”他说,“我得赶紧把命逃!” 呼啦啦他也不见了。 “You see?” said the mouse. “I told you so.” “Astounding!” said the Gruffalo. They walked some more till the Gruffalo said, “I hear some paws on the path ahead.” “看见没有?”小老鼠说,“大家见我都逃跑!” “你还真是不得了!”咕噜牛说道。 一大一小继续走,咕噜牛忽然又停下。 “前面路上啪啦响,你可知道那是啥?” “It’s Fox,” said the mouse. “Why, Fox, hello!” Fox took one look at the Gruffalo. “一定是那只狐狸。”小老鼠说,“狐狸,你好!” 狐狸抬起头,把咕噜牛瞧了瞧。 “Oh help!” he said, “Goodbye, little mouse,” And ran right into his underground house. “哦,救命啊!”他说,“我得赶紧把命逃!” 转眼间他也不见了。 The mouse said,“Gruffalo, now you see, Everyone is afraid of me! But now my tummy is beginning to rumble, and my favorite food is -- gruffalo crumble!” “看见没有,咕噜牛。”小老鼠说道。 “他们个个见了我,全都吓得赶紧逃! 溜溜达达走半天,我的肚子早饿啦! 听说咕噜牛肉很不错,我倒真想尝尝它! “Gruffalo crumble!” the Gruffalo said, And quick as the wind he turned and fled. “咕噜牛肉!”咕噜牛一声叫, 快得像风,他转身就逃! All was quiet in the deep dark wood. The mouse found a nut and the nut was good. 密林深处静悄悄, 小老鼠捧着榛果美美地嚼, 这榛果的味道真是好!