

2019-03-15    02'19''

主播: 要开心啊˙

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尊敬的各位来宾 大使阁下 Distinguished guests, your excellency. 下午好 我是来自中国的王俊凯 Good afternoon, I’m Karry Wang from China. 很荣幸能够来到这里 It is a great honor to be here with you today, 并就联合国在2015年发起的17项可持续发展目标发言 and speak about the 17 sustainable development goals launched by the United Nations in 2015. 这些目标已经成为全世界各国努力的方向 These goals have become the beacon of national efforts all across the earth. 人们普遍关心 Common concerns have been: 第一 如何提倡并且实现这些目标 One: how do we promote and achieve these goals. 第二 如何更好地引导公众的注意力和参与度 And two: how do we better lead the public’s attention and participation. 时尚产业对实现可持续发展目标至关重要 The fashion industry is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals. 每个消费者在时尚领域的选择都会对我们的未来产生影响 Every consumer’s choice in the fashion field has an impact on our future. 时尚不仅仅存在于我们的衣着当中 Fashion is not something that is found in dress only. 它还在天空中 在街道里 在我们的心里 Fashion is in the sky, in the streets, in the mind. 时尚与我们的想法有关 Fashion has to do with ideas. 它和我们的生活方式 思维方式 The way we live, the way we think, 以及世界上正在发生的事情都有关 and what is happening around the world. 它和每一个国家 每一个人都息息相关 It is closely related to every country and everyone. 例如 我们可以通过选择天然颜料来节省水资源 For example, we can save water by choosing natural pigments instead. 我们也可以充分利用可回收材料 And we can even make full use of recycled materials 来引领日常生活中的时尚新潮流 to lead new fashion trends in our daily lives. 如果我们能有意识地改变消费行为 If we can consciously change consumption behavior, 并拥有可持续的生活方式 and have sustainable lifestyles, 那这就是新的时尚 then it’s new fashion. 今天 我们即将见证联合国可持续时尚联盟的成立 Today, we’re about to witness the launch of the United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, 我相信这会给时尚带来全新的使命 which I believe will give fashion a whole new mission, 并且为可持续时尚的讨论和参与提供平台 and build a platform for discussion and engagements of sustainable fashion. 世界各地的更多机构和品牌都可以参与进来 More institutions and brands across the world can be involved, 为实现可持续发展目标作出贡献 contributing to the achievements of sustainable development goals. 现在我要呼吁你们 请和我一起倡导并支持可持续的时尚 Now I ask you, please stand up with me to advocate for and support sustainable fashion, 确保人类和地球能拥有一个更好的未来 and secure a better sustainable future for people and our planet. 谢谢 Thank you.
上一期: TFBOYS五周年读信