036 - 老声常弹之Michael Buble

036 - 老声常弹之Michael Buble

2019-12-10    45'20''

主播: 踏浪寻星FM

228 2

今天是电台两周年生日,本着不成文的传统,还是出一期老声常弹节目吧。今天,我们介绍的是Michael Buble,他是最近十年唱片销量最高的男歌手之一,可能大家或多或少的都听过他的歌。如果你也喜欢爵士乐,欢迎收听本期节目! 播放的歌曲: Michael Buble - Save the Last Dance for Me Michael Buble - That&`&s All Michael Buble - Home Michael Buble - Everything Michael Buble - Haven&`&t Met You Yet Michael Buble - Hollywood Michael Buble - It&`&s a Beautiful Day Michael Buble - Nobody But Me Michael Buble - Love You Anymore Michael Buble - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Michael Buble - Michael&`&s Christmas Greeting 背景音乐: Michael Buble - Kissing a Fool Michael Buble - Guess I&`&m Falling 4 U Michael Buble - Call Me Irresponsible Michael Buble - Hold on Michael Buble - Crazy Love Michael Buble - To Love Somebody Michael Buble - Someday Michael Buble - Forever Now