

2016-02-25    08'00''

主播: Beijing Hour

612 66

Cutting overcapacity has been listed as one of the five major tasks in China's supply-side structural reform along with reducing stock, deleveraging, reducing costs, and shoring up weak growth areas. The Chinese government has stepped up efforts to slash excess production capacity in saturated sectors, especially steel and coal. Feng Fei, vice minister of industry and information technology, says dealing with "zombie companies" is the key to solving the excess capacity here in China. "Local governments and banks must stop providing loans to those so-called 'zombie enterprises.' Meanwhile, we need to strengthen law enforcement in such aspects as environmental protection and energy efficiency, so as to provide an incentive to the market and a better environment for companies." Feng adds that the processes of dealing with poor-performing "zombie companies," as well as undertaking mergers and acquisitions, means that job losses will be inevitable. China is to establish a 100 billion yuan or 15 billion U.S. dollar fund to help those who lose their jobs as a result of industrial restructuring. The fund will focus on training and job seeking. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has released a report on growth in 2015. Minister Miao Wei says the current industrial situation is facing downward pressure. "China's industrial growth is maintaining a reasonable range. The industries above the designated scale maintained a growth in their added value at 6.1 percent last year, an obvious drop compared with the figures of the last two years. But considering the changes in the environment at home and abroad, the growth is not low and it still maintains a reasonable range." He says that the environment for enterprises, especially small- and micro companies, has improved a lot in recent years.