【体坛快讯】亚足联确认中国申办2023年亚洲杯 四国争主办权

【体坛快讯】亚足联确认中国申办2023年亚洲杯 四国争主办权

2016-04-12    05'42''

主播: Beijing Hour

700 82

The Asian Football Federation has confirmed that China, along with South Korea, Indonesia and Thailand will compete for the chance to host the AFC Asian Cup in 2023. The future tournament will be held either in June or July with a total of 51 matches being played over 30 days. At least 6 cities as well as 8 stadiums are needed to host these games. China planned on bidding for the games in 2019 but later decided to wait. In 2004, China hosted the Asian Cup and its national team finished second. This has been the best result for China in the AFC Cup tours.