I Tune Hello, my friends. Welcome to today’s I Tune. I’m your friend Star星馨. How time flies!Summer has passed,the autumn is coming quietly,the weather is getting cooler and cooler,did you add your clothes? I prepared three rhythmic songs for you. The three songs are for shaking your head and relax yourself. I hope you will like them! (Can’t complain)The first one is Can’t complain.This song was sung by a band named Relient K.The Relient K is a young, energetic band of four eighteen, nineteen year olds in 1998 and has been producing their albums since 2000. Their songs have the distinct features of popular PUNK, with very sweet melodies, lovely words, and youthful exuberance.在很多人看来,流行朋克所讲述的不是一些青春期里小事情,就是抨击社会的阴暗面,而Relient K作为一支流行朋克乐队,很容易就能与其他同类型的乐队区分开来,同时作为一支Christian Rock乐队,他们不会将朋克焦躁消极的情绪带进自己的音乐中,就像这首歌想要传递给我们不能抱怨一样,接下来就让我们听听来自Relient K清澈的声音。 (England had a queen)The next song is called England had a queen, it was sung by Tamas Wells. It’s in the album called thirty people away. The song is about Mary,the queen of England,the original of Bloody Mary.这首歌唱的是英国女王玛丽一世,也就是血腥玛丽的原型。她的一生悲惨而传奇,终年四十二岁。按照曲风,这不应当讲述的是一个血腥的故事,而是讲述她与她的丈夫腓力二世的爱情故事。而网友们也是调侃到,Tamas Wells是用他一天八杯白开水喝出来的纯净嗓音把这样一个故事唱给大家听。 (Somehow)The last song is Somehow, a song from Phony PPL,a teenage group that seamlessly mixes hip-hop with rock, and jazz elements deliver a fresh and professional sound.一个将嘻哈与爵士摇滚完美结合的青少年组合,传递出一种新鲜而专业的声音。听着他们的歌曲,想象自己在一个大房间,有一张白色的大床,窗帘随乐声飘动,戴上耳机,静静的躺着什么也不想,光是听歌就思绪万千,随后走进另一个世界。