

2014-05-05    00'44''

主播: EZFM China Drive

915 75

A Shanghai woman who was absent from work under false pretences and tried to sue her employer when she was subsequently fired was tripped up by her obsession to tell friends everything on her Weibo social networking site. 微信晒出旅游照片,被单位认定为旷工,丢了打拼十年多的工作,让某上海女职员陈小姐伤心不已.她将公司告上法庭,索要16万余元赔偿金.公司称,陈小姐没办理请假手续,擅自旅游旷工达28天,她在微博微信上晒的照片都成了呈堂证供. The woman, surnamed Chen, traveled to Australia and several Chinese cities without getting all the proper leave approvals. The pictures and travelogue she posted on her website about her trip were used in court against her. She lost her job of 10 years and an annual salary of 134,400 yuan, around US$21,477. Last year, two air hostesses with Virgin Atlantic were fired after they posted negative reviews of the carrier's in-flight meals on their Weibo accounts. The airline said they violated company rules. The duo filed a lawsuit in the Changning District People's Court but lost their case in the first round.