Buzz lingo | 周末学新词儿:"Micro-manage"

Buzz lingo | 周末学新词儿:"Micro-manage"

2015-07-17    08'36''

主播: EZFM China Drive

682 80

Micro-manage Steve micro-managed his staff to the point they took no initiative and just waited for orders. Nathan yelled at his helicopter mom to stop micro-managing his homework. Miles micromanaged his staff because he had no faith in them. Definition: micromanagement is an example of poor management where the manager over-manages people unnecessarily. Instead of giving people general instructions and then allowing them to do their job, the micromanager monitors and assesses every step. The manager may be motivated by concern for details. The effect, however, may be to de-motivate employees and create resentment. Jump scare Veteran horror fans sit unmoved by the jump scares in the lame horror movie, and miss movies that genuinely scare them, I don't like Saw or Final Destination because they rely on jump scares. The audience was treated to a jump scare when the protagonist turned the corner to see a ghost. Definition: the jump scare is used by unimaginative filmmakers as a cheap method of frightening the audience; i.e, making them literally "jump" out of their seats. This device is being increasingly employed in modern horror movies, along with gratuitous amounts of gore, because the directors have forgotten how to actually scare people. Fair game It is now taboo for comedians to make fun of ethnic groups, but individual people are fair game. In The British TV series "Mock the Week" Prince Harry is fair game to lampoon. During World War 2, America was unable to attack Japan immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbour, but Japanese Americans were fair game. Definition: someone or something that it is considered permissible to attack or abuse in some way. Etymology: This expression alludes to hunting.