

2017-03-24    05'23''

主播: 晓华亲子英语

14434 472

今天的诗是英国著名诗人Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯勒律治)的《Answer To A Child's Question》,中文译作《答童子问》,译者是王道余。 Answer to a Child's Question Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) Do you ask what the birds say? The Sparrow, the Dove, The Linnet and Thrush say, "I love and I love!" In the winter they're silent— the wind is so strong; What it says, I don't know, but it sings a loud song. But green leaves, and blossoms, and sunny warm weather, And singing, and loving— all come back together. But the Lark is so brimful of gladness and love, The green fields below him, the blue sky above, That he sings, and he sings; and for ever sings he— "I love my Love, and my Love loves me!" 答童子问 柯勒律治(1772-1834) 王道余译 你问我鸟儿在说啥? 麻雀鸽子说我爱她, 朱雀画眉说我爱她。 冬天风大都不说话, 我不知道风儿说啥, 但它高歌大声喧哗。 绿叶暖阳还有鲜花, 伴歌声爱恋齐返家。 百灵充满爱情芳华, 青天在上绿地在下, 他唱呀他唱呀唱呀, “她爱我啊,我也爱她!”