【作品】门罗朗诵Friend of My Youth

【作品】门罗朗诵Friend of My Youth

2014-11-22    01'45''

主播: 东方历史评论

243 24

“小说不像一条道路,它更像一座房子。你走进里面,待一小会儿,这边走走,那边转转,观察房间和走廊间的关联,然后再望向窗外,看看从这个角度看,外面的世界发生了什么变化。”——爱丽丝·门罗 爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro 1931),加拿大女作家,被誉为“加拿大的契诃夫”。1968年发表第一部短篇小说集《快乐影子之舞》,并获得加拿大总督文学奖。2013年10月10日,艾丽斯·门罗获得2013年诺贝尔文学奖,瑞典学院给出的颁奖词是:“当代短篇文学小说大师”。由此艾丽斯·芒罗也成为了诺贝尔文学奖历史上的第13位女性。 今天我们为大家播放的是她朗诵自己的作品Friend of My Youth 中的片段: Of course it’s my mother I’m thinking of, my mother as she was in those dreams, saying, It’s nothing, just this little tremor; saying with such astonishing lighthearted forgiveness, Oh, I knew you’d come someday. My mother surprising me, and doing it almost indifferently. Her mask, her fate, and most of her affliction taken away. How relieved I was, and happy. But I now recall that I was disconcerted as well. I would have to say that I felt slightly cheated. Yes. Offended, tricked, cheated, by this welcome turnaround, this reprieve. My mother moving rather carelessly out of her old prison, showing options and powers I never dreamed she had, changes more than herself. She changes the bitter lump of love I have carried all this time into a phantom – something useless and uncalled for, like a phantom pregnancy.