

2018-12-21    02'58''

主播: 月儿🌅🌂

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思念,在雪花盛开的时候 Missing in blossom of snow 文/黄真 By HuangZhen 飞舞似蝶 从梦里到梦外 夜色还没醒 雪花已盛开 My missing is flying out of and in the dream like butterflies. Darkness sleeping , snow is blossoming. 我的思念 如枝头绽放的雪花 点亮了静默的山林 漫过岁末的时光 My missing is the blossoming snow on brunches, brightening silent woods as well as last time of old days. 我的思念 变幻成流浪的白色精灵 像是喝醉了 乱了阵脚 迷失了来路 My missing is wandering like white drunk sylphs, and is losing her original way. 赶路累了 觅一爿原野歇息下来 盖上白色的被褥 思念抱紧自己 蓄精养锐一个冬季 明春再次启程 Tired on journey, she is in repose on an great tableland with herself wrapped in the cover of snow. My missing is hugging herself and building up strengths to start once again in following spring.