【小听童中英文绘本故事】月亮生日快乐1 Happy Birthday Moon上集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】月亮生日快乐1 Happy Birthday Moon上集

2017-07-05    06'09''

主播: 小听童

651 14

《月亮,生日快乐》 [美]法兰克•艾许 文/图 高明美 译 明天出版社 Happy birthday Moon 《月亮,生日快乐》 One night Bear looked up at the sky and thought, 一天晚上,小熊抬头望着天空,心里想, wouldn't it be nice to give the moon a birthday present. 送一个生日礼物给月亮,不是挺好的吗? But Bear didn't know when the moon's birthday was, 可是,小熊不知道月亮的生日是哪一天, or what to get him.也不知道该送什么才好。 So he climbed a tall tree to have a little chat with the moon. 于是,他爬上一棵高高的树,去和月亮说话。 “Hello, Moon!” he shouted. “你好,月亮!”他大叫着。 But the moon did not reply. 月亮没有回答。 Maybe I am too far away, thought Bear, and the moon cannot hear me. 小熊想:也许我离得太远了,月亮听不到。 So Bear paddled across the river... 于是,他划船渡过小河…… and hiked through the forest... 走过树林…… into the mountains. 爬到高山上。 Now I am much closer to the moon, thought Bear, 小熊心里想:现在我离月亮近多了, and again he shouted:“Hello!” 他又开始大叫:“嗨!”    This time his own voice echoed off one of the other mountains:“Hello!” 这次从另一个山头传来了回声:“嗨!”  Bear got very excited. 小熊高兴极了。 Oh, boy! he thought.他想:哇,好棒! I'm talking to the moon. 我在和月亮说话了呢!   “Tell me,”asked Bear,“When is your birthday?” “告诉我,小熊问: 你的生日是哪天?” “Tell me, when is your birthday?” replied the moon. “告诉我,你的生日是哪天?”月亮回答道。 “Well, it just so happens that my birthday is tomorrow!”said Bear. “嗯,我的生日刚刚好就是明天耶!”小熊说。 “Well, it just so happens that my birthday is tomorrow!”said the moon. “嗯,我的生日刚刚好就是明天耶!”月亮说。 “What do you want for your birthday?” asked Bear. “你想要什么礼物?”小熊问。  “What do you want for your birthday?” asked the moon. “你想要什么礼物?”月亮问。 Bear thought for a moment, then he replied: 小熊想了一会儿,回答说: “I would like a hat.”“我想要一顶帽子。”    “I would like a hat.” said the moon. “我想要一顶帽子。”月亮说。 Oh, goody! Thought Bear, 小熊想:太棒了! now I know what to get the moon for his birthday. 现在我可知道该送什么生日礼物给月亮了。 “Goodbye,” said Bear.“再见了。”小熊说。 “Goodbye,” said the moon. “再见了。”月亮说。