Loreena McKennitt - Stolen Child

Loreena McKennitt - Stolen Child

2016-09-09    05'04''

主播: 姜霽桓

119 6

Where dips the rocky highland 在怪石嶙峋的高地之上 Of sleuth wood in the lake 史留斯森林浸入湖水之处 There lies a leafy island 有一个叶茂的小岛 Where flapping herons wake 那里有振翅的白鹭 The drowsy water rats 惊醒了昏懒的水鼠 There we've hid our fairy vats 那儿,我们在魔桶中藏着 Full of berries 满满的浆果 And of reddest stolen cherries. 和偷来的最红最红的樱桃 Come away oh human child 来吧,人类的孩子 To the waters and the wild 到水边和荒野里来 With a fairy hand in hand 和仙女手拉着手 For the world's more full of weeping 因为这世界上充满了 Than you can understand 你还无法理解的哀愁 Where the wave of moonlight glosses 那儿,月光如波浪般 The dim grey sands with light 幽暗的沙滩在闪耀 By far off furthest rosses 在那遥远的罗西斯角 We foot it all the night 我们彻夜舞蹈 Weaving olden dances 编排那古老的舞步 Mingling hands and mingling glances 手臂与眼神相互交错 Till the moon has taken flight 直到月亮落下 To and fro we leap 我们依然来回的跳跃 And chase the frothy bubbles 追赶者飘渺的泡沫 While the world is full of troubles 而此时人世间却充满烦恼 And is anxious in its sleep. 睡梦中充满焦虑 Come away oh human child 来吧,人类的孩子 To the waters and the wild 到水边和荒野里来 With a fairy hand in hand 和仙女手拉着手 For the world's more full of weeping 因为这世界上充满了 Than you can understand 你还无法理解的哀愁 Where the wandering water gushes 那儿,溪流曲折 From the hills above glen car 从葛兰卡的山坡上坠泻 In pools among the rushes 流到水草丛生的深潭 That scarce could bathe a star 那里几乎透不过一点星光 We seek for slumbering trout 我们追寻沉睡的鳟鱼 And whispering in their ears 在它们耳畔低语 Give them unquiet dreams 带给它们不安分的梦 Leaning softly out 轻轻的探出头 From ferns that drop their tears 厥叶上有泪珠滴落 Over the young streams 到年轻的溪流中 Come away oh human child 来吧,人类的孩子 To the waters and the wild 到水边和荒野里来 With a fairy hand in hand 和仙女手拉着手 For the world's more full of weeping 因为这世界上充满了 Than you can understand 你还无法理解的哀愁 Away with us he's going 他将随我们而去 The solemn-eyed 那个目光庄严的孩子 He'll hear no more the lowing 他将再也听不到那温暖的山坡上 Of the calves on the warm hillside 牛犊们稚嫩的哞叫 Or the kettle on the hob 和水壶在炉上吟唱 Sing peace into his breast 那些曾抚慰他心灵的歌谣 Or see the brown mice bob 再也看不到棕色的褐鼠 Round and round the oatmeal chest. 围着麦片盒子一圈圈地悉窣跳动 For he comes, the human child 他要来了,人类的孩子 To the waters and the wild 到水边和荒野里来 With a fairy hand in hand 和仙女手拉着手 For the world's more full of weeping 因为这世界上充满了 Than you can understand 你还无法理解的哀愁