Weight In Gold

Weight In Gold

2016-10-06    03'23''

主播: 姜霽桓

141 10

Weight In Gold 专辑:Weight In Gold 歌手:Gallant Black dust in orbit, cascades down like a parachute 轨道上的黑色尘埃,像降落伞一样倾泻下来 Bricks on my shoulders, this gravity hurts when you know the truth 我的双肩似负重担,这重力在知晓真相之际带来痛楚 I&`&m pulling my weight in gold 我试着找回自己的价值 Call me anxious, call me broke 我已经焦躁无比,我已经支离破碎 But I can&`&t lift this on my own 但我真的无法独自承受 Pulling my weight in gold 试着找回自己的价值 Call me anxious, call me broke 我已经焦躁无比,我已经支离破碎 But I can&`&t lift this on my own 但我真的无法独自承受 We dreamt like martyrs, I never thought I was bold enough 我们梦想着要像烈士般无畏,然而我从未觉得自己足够勇敢 You pushed me further, and I take the blame for the both of us 你把我推得远远的,我就独自承担了这份对我们两个人的责备 I&`&m pulling my weight in gold 我试着找回自己的价值 Call me anxious, call me broke 我已经焦躁无比,我已经支离破碎 But I can&`&t lift this on my own 但我真的无法独自承受 Pulling my weight in gold 试着找回自己的价值 Call me anxious, call me broke 我已经焦躁无比,我已经支离破碎 But I can&`&t lift this on my own 但我真的无法独自承受 Oh, Universe, hold me up 啊,宇宙,请支撑住我 You tried your best, is it ever enough 你说你已经尽了全力,这真的够了么 When it&`&s already dragging me down? 在它已经将我一点一点拖垮的时候 I&`&m pulling my weight in gold 我在试着找回自己的价值 Call me anxious, call me broke 我已经焦躁无比,我已经支离破碎 But I can&`&t lift this on my own 但我真的无法独自承受 Pulling my weight in gold 试着找回自己的价值 Call me anxious, call me broke 我已经焦躁无比,我已经支离破碎 But I can&`&t lift this on my own 但我真的无法独自承受
上一期: Gin Wigmore - Black Sheep
下一期: Leehom