Diamonds And Rust

Diamonds And Rust

2016-10-21    04'43''

主播: 姜霽桓

110 7

Joan Baez 开口跪 Well I'll be damned 噢,我真该死 Here comes your ghost again 你的幻影又再出现 But that's not unusual 但那并非不寻常 It's just that the moon is full 只因在这满月时分 And you happened to call 你恰巧打电话过来 And here I sit 而我坐在这儿 Hand on the telephone 手持电话 Hearing a voice I'd known 听着遥远记忆里 A couple of light years ago 熟悉的声音 Heading straight for a fall 直坠入深渊之中 As I remember your eyes 我记得你的双眼 Were bluer than robin's eggs 比知更鸟蛋的颜色更蓝 My poetry was lousy you said 你说我写的诗糟透了 Where are you calling from? “你从哪里打电话来?” A booth in the midwest “中西部的某个电话亭” Ten years ago 十年前 I bought you some cufflinks 我买过一些袖口扣给你 You brought me something 你也送给我一些东西 We both know what memories can bring 我们都知道回忆能带来些什么 They bring diamonds and rust 它们带来了钻石与铁锈 Well you burst on the scene 噢,当年你突然而至 Already a legend 已是奇迹 The unwashed phenomenon 未受关注的奇迹 The original vagabond 你最初漂泊流浪 You strayed into my arms 泊入了我的臂弯 And there you stayed 在那里,你短暂停留 Temporarily lost at sea 只因迷航海上 The Madonna was yours for free 圣母玛利亚无偿眷顾你 Yes the girl on the half-shell 是的,单片贝壳上的爱神维纳斯 Could keep you unharmed 当年能保护你免受伤害 Now I see you standing 此刻,我看到你伫立在 With brown leaves falling around 纷飞的褐色落叶中 And snow in your hair 雪落发梢 Now you're smiling out the window 此刻,你就在那间破旧旅馆窗前 Of that crummy hotel 对着下面的华盛顿广场微笑 Over Washington Square Our out white clouds 我们彼此呼出的气息如云雾般交错, Mingles and hangs in the air 凝结在空气中 Speaking strictly for me 对于我,严格来说 We both could have died then and there 当时的场景足以令我们死而无憾 Now you're telling me 如今,你对我说 You're not nostalgic 你并不念旧 Then give me another word for it 那么请用另一个词来代替 You who are so good with words 你向来擅于措辞, And at keeping things vague 擅于把事情模糊化 Because I need some of that vagueness now 因为此刻我正需要那种模糊 It's all.e back too clearly 过去的一切都太清晰地呈现 Yes I loved you dearly 是的,我曾深爱着你 And if you're offering me diamonds and rust 而倘若你还想带给我钻石与铁锈 I've already paid 那么,我已经为此付出过代价了
下一期: 离婚