

2017-05-16    03'29''

主播: 姜霽桓

159 12

不好意思,好久没有更新了,王者荣耀快上钻石了,嘿嘿! One year like any old other year 最是普通的一年 In a week like any week 最是普通的一周 Monday lying down 周一姗姗来迟 Half Asleep 半睡半醒之间 People doing what people do 人们各司其职 Loving, working and getting through 相爱,工作,经历一切 No portraits on the walls 墙上没有涂鸦 Of Seventh Avenue 在第七大道上 Then Tuesday came and went 周二降临然后离去 Like a helicopter overhead 一如头顶直升飞机 The Letter that she left 她离别时留下的那封信件 Cold Addressed in Red 被套进红色信封冷冷投递 Tuesday Came and went 周二降临然后离去 One one September when 又是一个九月 will she come again 伊人何时归来 The thing about memories 旧事之记忆 They're sure and bound to fade 虽历历在目,却注定褪色 Except for the stolen souls 除了那被盗走的灵魂 Left upon her blade 依旧驻留在叶片之上 Is Monday coming back 周一是否还会回来 That's what Mondays do 那是它必经的归途 They Turn and Turn around 他们原地转来转去 Afraid to see it through 害怕看见它的流逝 Tuesday came and went 周二降临然后离去 Like a helicopter overhead 一如头顶直升飞机 The Letter that she left 她离别时留下的那封信件 Cold Addressed in Red 被套进红色信封冷冷投递 Tuesday Came and went one 周二降临然后离去 One September 又是一个九月 When will she come again 伊人何时归来 Tuesday Came and went one 周二降临然后离去 One September, When? 何时又是一个九月? Cold and dressed in red 被套进红色信封冷冷投递 How could I forget 我怎么能够忘记 Tuesday Came and went 周二降临然后离去 Like a Helicopter overhead 一如头顶直升飞机 Will she come again 她还会回来吗 翻译贡献者:微雨去尘