The Monster Hunt

The Monster Hunt

2014-05-08    00'52''

主播: 小小孩电台

36 0

The Monster Hunt Gran took the children on a monster hunt. Biff saw some monster footprint. Chip saw a monster glove,and... Kipper saw the monster! "Come on ."said Gran . "Let`s get that monster!" The monster ran. It ran up the hill. It ran into the mill... and hid. "Come on," said Chip. "Let`s get that monster!" They went into the mill. "Ssh!" said Gran. "I can see the monster`s tail." Gran puiied the monster`s tail. "Got you!" she said. "AARGH!" said the monster. Crash! went a sack. Crash! went the monster. The monster looked at the children. "Help!" he said. "monsters!"
上一期: 国旗下的讲话
下一期: Good night moon