

2017-07-26    01'16''

主播: TeacherGwen

2956 51

初级7月27日(周四)BBC工作时间睡觉 Finn:That's why she is trying to change – or disrupt – our current work ethic of working longer and harder. She believes this doesn't necessarily bring better results. But Rob, is this idea just a fad – something that's popular for a short while? 这也是她为什么想去改变,或者打破现在的职业道德。现在的职业道德提倡的是工作更长时间和工作更努力。她说这不一定会带来更好的结果。但是罗伯,这种想法是不是只是一时的狂热? Rob:Maybe, but research has certainly shown that good quantity and quality of sleep is important for our wellbeing. A few years ago research by the East of England Development Agency found 30% of people have their best ideas in bed compared to just 11% who have them at their desk. It called for companies to install beds in the workplace. 或许吧,但是的确有研究显示高质量长时间的睡眠对我们的身心健康很重要。英格兰东部经济发展署几年前的调查发现30%的人认为自己最好的想法是在床上产生的,而只有11%的人是在办公桌前。该机构还呼吁公司在工作场所安床。 Finn:Well, there aren't any in our office that I can see Rob.I think putting beds or areas for naps in the office would help us workers feel more able to rest and recharge our minds. 我在我们办公室还没看到床,罗伯。我认为在办公室安床或设置休息区可以帮助员工更好地休息和进行精神充电。 Rob:YES,An alternative idea would be to change our working hours. The UK's Sleep Council claims the nine-to-five work culture does not fit into the natural sleeping pattern of the human race and bosses need to introduce a more sleep-friendly working day. 另外一个方法是调整工作时间。英国睡眠协会称朝九晚五的工作文化和人类的自然睡眠模式不兼容,公司老板应该安排更利于员工休息的工作时间。
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