

2017-07-25    10'34''

主播: TeacherGwen

2892 107

7.25 早读 Life is full of color. We each get to come along and we add our own color to the painting. 语音讲解 单词发音 full-fool-fall /fʊl/-/fuːl/-/fɔːl/ painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ 连词发音 full of/fʊləv/ we each get to /wijiːtʃɡetə/ we add our own/wijˌædaʊərəʊn / 轻读重读 重读:color/come along/painting 弱读:of/to/and/ 词汇讲解 1.get to do sth phrase. 非正式 释义:有机会...to have the opportunity to do something 例句: She gets to travel all over the place with her job. 她能边工作边旅行。 get用法精解 1. 释义:渐渐(感觉)...to gradually begin to like, know, or understand someone or something get to like/know/understand sb/sth 例句:It'll take a while for you to get to know everyone. 你们要彼此了解是要花上一阵子的。 2. 释义:开始...to begin doing something get doing sth 例句:What are we all waiting for? Let's get moving! 你们等什么呢?咱们走啦! get going=get moving 走着! 3.释义:使某物...to make something do a particular thing get sth to do sth I couldn't get the engine to start. 怎么弄引擎都不启动。 get sth doing sth We got the AC working again eventually. 我们终于让空调又工作起来了。 4.释义:使某人...to persuade or force someone to do something get sb to do sth We couldn't get him to sign the agreement. 我们没办法让他签协议。 get sb doing sth In the end, we got the children clearing the playground. 最后,我们让孩子们打扫了操场。 5.释义:明白、理解...to understand something I don't get it - it doesn't make sense. 我不明白。这说不通啊。 I still don't get how she knew about the meeting. 我还是不明白她到底怎么知道这次会议的。 2.add...to...phrase. 释义:把...加进... 例句:Do you want to add your name to the list? 您是想把名字加进名单里吗? 活学活用 get to