

2017-07-27    06'25''

主播: TeacherGwen

4064 110

7.27 早读 A wise king never seeks out war, but he must always be ready for it. 语音讲解 单词发音 wise /waɪz/ seeks /siːks/ 连词发音 seeks out war /siːksaʊtwɔː/ ready for it /ˈredifərɪt/ 轻读重读 重读:seeks/always/ready 弱读:but/for 词汇讲解 seek out phrase. 释义:to try to find someone or something, especially when this is difficult 例句:Our mission is to seek out the enemy and destroy them. 我们的任务就是去找到敌人并且消灭他们。 seek out&find out辨析 seek out:to look for and find sb/sth,especially when this means using a lot of effort 物色,挑出 eg.Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe. 对于当地公司来说,现在是时候去欧洲寻求商机了. His parents sought out the best doctors in the field. 他的父母为他寻求这个领域最好的医生。 find out:to get some information about sth/sb by asking,reading,etc 查明,弄清楚情况 eg.The police hasn't found anything out about him yet. 警方尚未查明他的情况. 活学活用 I don't feel that I'm ready for my driving test yet.