

2017-08-02    01'13''

主播: TeacherGwen

2189 53

每日听写8.3(选)初级黑色旅游 Neil: Yes, being able to walk around a historic site or visit a museum is one thing but how about staying in a former prison in Latvia and paying to be treated like a prisoner? Or how about crawling around Vietnamese war tunnels whilst people fire guns outside? 是的。沿着历史遗迹附近行走或参观博物馆是一回事,但在拉脱维亚的前监狱,花着钱却像囚犯一样被对待是怎样的呢?又或者在越南战争隧道里爬来爬去同时外面人们机枪守卫? Rob: Maybe that is taking the experience too far. Doctor Stone says there is a "blurred line between memorialisation and tourism". He means it is hard to separate going to remember an event and the people who’ve died with visiting somewhere as part of a holiday. 或许这种体验太遥远了。 斯通博士说“在纪念和旅游之间的界限模糊不清”。他的意思是作为节日的一部分参观某地来纪念一个事件和已经死去的人们,这很难去区分。 Neil: Another issue when visiting these places is how you remember your visit – you must be respectful - perhaps taking photos, yes, but should you take a ’selfie’? And should you buy a souvenir or send a postcard home? 另一个问题就是当参观这些地方的时候你如何纪念你的参观之旅--一定要充满尊敬--或许需要拍照,是的,但是你能自拍吗?你是买纪念品呢还是把明信片寄回家呢? Rob: Well you certainly wouldn’t write on your postcard ’wish you were here’. Anyway, let’s now reveal the answer to the question I set you earlier. 好吧,你肯定不能在明信片上写“真希望你在这里”。不管怎样,现在让我们揭晓我之前问的问题的答案。 Neil: Yes, this was about the former prison on Robben Island which is now a popular destination for dark tourism. 好的,这个问题跟罗本岛的之前的监狱有关,现在已经作为黑色旅游的著名目的地了。 Rob: I asked you when it finally closed as a prison. Was it in: a) 1991 b) 1996 c) 1999 我问你的是它是那一年关闭的。选项有:a) 1991 年b) 1996年c) 1999年 Neil: I said 1991. 我选的是1991年。
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