

2017-08-03    01'12''

主播: TeacherGwen

1614 49

每日听写8.4(选)初级黑色旅游 Rob: And you were wrong actually. It was in 1996. About 350,000 people now visit the site every year – which shows how much interest there is in a place that you would have once never wanted to go near. Is it somewhere you would like to visit Neil? 实际上你错了。是1996年。每年大约有350,000人来这里参观。这说明有多少人对这种地方感兴趣而你却从来不想靠近。这是你想去的地方吗,尼尔? Neil: I’m not sure about dark tourism to be honest. 老实说,我对黑色旅游还不确定。 Rob: Ok, Neil, could you remind us of some of the vocabulary we’ve heard today? 好吧,尼尔,你能回顾一下今天我们听到的一些词语吗? Neil: Yes, we heard: 好的,我们听到了 tourism 旅游 depressing 令人沮丧的 catastrophic 悲惨的 curious 好奇的 morally wrong 不道德的 morbid fascination 病态的着迷 macabre 可怕的 compelled 被迫的 ethics 道德 exploiting 开发,利用 human nature 人性 tasteful 对合适的东西做出良好的判断 memorialisation 纪念 respectful 尊敬的 Rob: Thanks. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s programme. Please join us again soon for 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. 谢谢。希望你们喜欢今天的节目。请记得收听我们下期的节目。 Both: Bye. 拜~ That was 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English dot com. 以上是bbclearningenglish.com英语六分钟节目。
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