

2017-09-28    06'53''

主播: TeacherGwen

2368 112

9.28 早读 The best love is the kind that awakens the soul, that plants a fire in our hearts, and brings peace to our minds. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ → 语音讲解 单词发音 soul /səʊl $ soʊl/ kind/kaɪnd/ mind /maɪnd/ peace /piːs/ 连词发音 a fire in our /əfaɪərɪnaʊə/ to our minds /tʊwaʊəmaɪndz/ 轻读重读 重读:best/awaken/soul/plant/fire/heart/bring/peace/mind 弱读:the/that/and/to 词汇讲解 awaken verb. wake(苏醒)→awake(形容词化-醒着的)→awaken(动词化-使醒着、使唤醒→激活) 释义:to wake up or to make someone wake up 例句: 请看awaken在电影《豚鼠特工队》中的应用: ...will awaken(激活) the chips already in the logic boards. 请看awaken在电影《霍比特人2》中的应用: If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all. 日常生活中,常用wake XX up来表达使唤醒、吵醒,而不用awaken。awaken只在文学作品、正式场合、书面语、固定搭配中才会用。 She was woken up by the phone ringing. 她被电话声吵醒。 拓展:wake-up call ①酒店的叫醒服务 ②wake-up是起床的意思,call则是打电话,wake-up call字面的意思是叫人起床的一通电话,实际可以引申出“警钟,提醒”这层含义。 例句:It was like a slap in the face-a wake up call. 它就像是在我脸上闪了一巴掌似的唤醒了我。 活学活用: awaken