

2017-10-08    00'52''

主播: TeacherGwen

1446 37

每日听写10.2(选)高级苹果在中国与腾讯的应用之战 Business 商业 Apple in China: App Wars 苹果在中国:应用之战 Tencent takes on Apple in China 腾讯与苹果公司在中国的角逐。 In most of the world, the success of Apple's “walled garden” of proprietary software has two elements. 在世界的大多数国家中,苹果公司专有软件的封闭平台的成功有两个因素。 First, its attractive services: users tend to be addicted to its iTunes music shop and iBooks store. 首先是苹果软件诱人的服务,用户一般会沉迷于它的iTunes音乐商店和iBooks商店。 Second, the complexities involved in switching from an iPhone to another device without losing music files or having to re-download apps. 其次,从iPhone切换到其他设备而不丢失音乐文件或必须重新下载应用程序又纷繁复杂。 Neither factor works as well in China. 不过这两点在中国却不起作用。 There, many of Apple's services have not taken off. 苹果公司的许多服务也并没有成功。 The American giant missed the boat on music sales in the country, reckons Matthew Brennan of China Channel, a technology consultancy. 中国频道的技术顾问Matthew Brennan 认为,苹果公司错失了在中国销售音乐的机会。 Its sales of books are blocked by the government. 政府也阻止苹果出售书籍。
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