

2017-10-22    01'00''

主播: TeacherGwen

2467 42

每日听写10.23(选)初级技术移民技术与分裂 United States 美国 Skilled Immigration: Six degrees and separation 技术移民:六级与分裂 Immigrants are arriving better educated than ever before. 移民受教育水平比以往有所提高 Jose Rommel Umano, who is originally from the Philippines, moved to New York last autumn. Jose Rommel Umano 来自菲律宾,他去年秋天搬到了纽约。珍妮·贝塔罗娃说道,这种程度在美国是没有过的。 He came on a family-reunification visa and joined his wife, who had been living in America for some time. 他的签证是家庭团聚签证,他的妻子已经在美国生活了一段时间。 This is a typical tale: America gives more weight to close family members when considering immigration applications than some other rich countries do. 这是一个典型的故事:当考虑移民申请时,美国比其他发达国家更加重视家庭成员。 More surprising is that Mr Rommel Umano arrived with a master's degree from the University of Tokyo and 20 years of experience as an architect in Japan. 令人更加惊讶的是,Rommel Umano 有东京大学的硕士学位和在日本20年的建筑师从业经验。 Yet this, it turns out, is typical too. 然而,这也很典型。 Nearly half of all immigrants who arrived between 2011 and 2015 were college-educated. 将近一半在2011-2015年来到美国的移民有大学学历。