

2017-10-25    00'59''

主播: TeacherGwen

2531 38

每日听写10.26(选)初级技术移民技术与分裂 A further 20% entered through preferences given to other family members. 另外有20%的人从其他家庭成员获得了优先权。 That left just 14% who were sponsored by companies, about the same share who first entered the country as refugees or asylum-seekers (a further 5% were lottery winners). 剩下的人是由公司资助仅有14%,他们是作为难民或寻求庇护者(还有5%是彩票中奖者)首次移民到该国。 Despite this bias towards families, the share of immigrants who arrived with degrees has risen from 27%, for those who arrived between and 1986 and 1990, to almost half now. 尽管存在这种对家庭成员的偏向,但是相对于1986年到1990年间,拥有学位的移民者比例从27%上升到现在的接近半数。 America is not the only rich country to have seen such an increase. 美国并不是唯一一个见证这种增长的发达国家。 According to the OECD (a club of mostly wealthy countries), the number of college-educated migrants heading to member countries grew by 70% between 2001 and 2011. 据经济合作与发展组织(一个大部分是富裕国家的俱乐部)报道,在2001年到2011年间前往成员国的移民中拥有学历者比例增长了70%。 Recent migrants to America are as likely to be highly educated as those who move to Europe are. 最近移民去美国的人和移民去欧洲的人一样,都很可能是受过高等教育的人。 They still lag some way behind Australia and Canada, though. 不过这个比例依旧少于澳大利亚和加拿大。