

2017-12-13    08'19''

主播: TeacherGwen

1379 92

12.13 早读 If I don't learn to face my grief, it would be like taking in a deep breath and holding that breath for the rest of my life. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 语音讲解 单词发音 grief /ɡriːf/ ie字母组合发/i:/的单词:cookie niece piece field relief brief breath /breθ/ 连词发音 taking in a /teɪkɪŋɪnə/ 轻读重读 重读:grief/ breath/holding /rest /life 弱读:to/it would/for the/and / of 词汇讲解 1.it would be like... 释义:就会像... 例句:A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen. 透镜会把图片放大,就像在看巨大的电视屏幕一样。 If you keep it, it would be like stealing. 如果你留着它,就像是偷窃一样。 2.take in a deep breath take a deep breath 释义:深吸气 例句:Take a deep breath and blow. 深呼吸,吐气。 How long can you hold your breath underwater? Take a deep breath and I'll time you. 你不呼吸能在水下呆多久?深呼吸一下,我给你记时。 3.hold the breath 释义:憋住气 例句:How long can you hold your breath for? 你能屏住呼吸多久? 拓展:Don't hold your breath 别憋着呼吸,别期望太高 If you're waiting for him to apologize, don't hold your breath. 如果你在等他来道歉,那就别指望了。 She said she might finish by this afternoon but don't hold your breath. 她说今天下午会完事儿,不过别指望。 4.for the rest of my life 11.02早读讲过-点击跳转 活学活用 造句 it would be like...