

2018-01-03    10'08''

主播: TeacherGwen

8858 361

1.03 早读 That's the thing about unhappiness. All it takes is for something worse to come along, and you realize it was actually happiness after all. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 单词发音 unhappiness /ʌnˈhæpinəs/ actually /ˈæktʃuəli, -tʃəli/ 连词发音 all it takes is /ɔːlɪteɪksɪz/ and you realize it /əndʒəˈrɪəlaɪzɪt/ after all /ˈɑːftərɔːl/ 轻读重读 重读:unhappiness worse come along realize happiness 弱读:the it is for to and you it was 言之有物 链儿1:That's the thing about unhappiness. XX其实是这么回事。 That's the thing about... 类似链儿:one thing about XX 点击跳转 链儿2:all it takes is... 只要...就够了 All it takes is a little common sense. 只需要一点常识就够了。 All it takes is practice and focus. 它所需的全部就是练习和专注。 链儿3:come along ①come along! 快点! Come along! We’re all waiting for you! ② to appear or arrive 出现 Take any job opportunity that comes along. ③ to go to a place with someone 跟着走 We’re going into town – do you want to come along? 链儿4: after all 终究;毕竟 He failed after all. 他终究还是失败了。 He wrote to say they couldn’t give me a job after all. 他写信告诉我他们终究不能录取我。 It was their country, after all. 毕竟是他们的国家。 活学活用 请用 That's the thing about 随意造句
上一期: 101
下一期: 104早读-语音及词汇讲解