

2018-03-27    08'41''

主播: TeacherGwen

1688 48

3.27 早读 Choosing our people is the closest we come to controlling our destiny. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. choose尾部辅音为/z/,同时注意辅音/tʃ/到元音/u:/的唇形滑动; 2. close的词性不同,发音也不尽相同:动词 /kləʊz $ kloʊz/ ; 形容词 /kləʊs $ kloʊs/。本句closest中的s应对应/z/的发音。 言之有物 XX is the closest somebody XX XX是某人做XX最接近的(方式) 原始:XX come close/near to doing XX 接近做XX XX come closest to doing 最接近做XX These programs alone won't come close to satisfying demand. 光是这些项目还远远不能满足需求。 Is this the closest you've come to the championship in your career? 你觉得,这是你职业生涯中最接近总冠军的一场比赛吗? For many people, the closest they'll come to farming is planting a few vegetables in their gardens. 对于许多人来说,能经常接触到的农事也就是在自家的花园里种点菜了。