

2018-04-02    12'02''

主播: TeacherGwen

3462 123

4.02 早读 When I was young/ I'd listen to the radio/ waiting for my favorite songs/ When they played I'd sing along/ It made me smile.   ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. 注意when的元音/e/,不要发成了“问”; 2. sing along 注意后鼻音/ŋ/和/ə/的连读,区分前后鼻音发音。 言之有物 1. play在本句中不是“玩”的意思,而是“播放”。 play a record/CD/tape etc DJs are playing the latest techno tracks. DJ在播放最新的电音音乐。 2. 词链儿:sing along 跟着唱 Raise your hand and sing along with me. 举起你们的手,跟我一起唱。clap along 跟着拍手 Happy 歌词 Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I'm happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do When I was young   当我小时候   I'd listen to the radio   聆听收音机   Waiting for my favorite songs   等待着我最喜欢的歌曲   When they played I'd sing along   当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱   It made me smile   我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑   Those were such happy times   那时的时光多么幸福   and not so long ago   且它并不遥远   How I wondered   我记不清   where they'd gone   它们何时消逝   But they're back again   但是它们再次回访   just like a long lost friend   让一个久无音讯的老朋友   All the songs I love so well   所有我喜爱万分的歌曲   Every shalala every wo'wo   每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo   still shines   仍然光芒四射   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling   每一个shing-a-ling   that they're starting to sing   每一个他们开始唱的   so fine   都如此悦耳   When they get to the part   当他们唱到他   where he's breaking her heart   让她伤心之处   It can really make me cry   我哭泣   just like before   像从前那样   It's yesterday once more   昨日重现   Shoobie do lang lang   无比惆怅   Shoobie do lang lang   无比惆怅   Looking back on   回首往事   how it was in years gone by   回望曾经   And the good times that I had   幸福时光   makes today seem rather sad   今日已沧海桑田   So much has changed   变了很多   It was songs of love   那是旧情歌   that I would sing to them   我唱给他们的   And I'd memorise each word   至今我仍能记得每一个文字   Those old melodies   那些旧旋律   still sound so good to me   仍然悦耳动听   As they melt the years away   可以把岁月融化   Every shalala every wo'wo   每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo   still shines   仍然光芒四射   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling   每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-ling   that they're starting to sing   每一个他们开始唱的   so fine   都如此悦耳   All my best memories   我美好的回忆   come back clearly to me   都清晰地浮现在眼前   Some can even make me cry   我哭泣   just like before   像从前那样   It's yesterday once more   昨日重现   Shoobie do lang lang   无比惆怅   Every shalala every wo'wo   每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo   still shines   仍然光芒四射   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling   每一个shing-a-ling   that they're starting to sing   他们开始唱的   so fine   都如此悦耳   Every shalala every wo'wo still shines   每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射