

2018-04-16    11'07''

主播: TeacherGwen

1205 37

4.16 早读 A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1.注意tip中的元音不要读成“踢”; 2. 注意句子中单词的轻重搭配。 3. 注意意群的划分。比如下句: A single grain of rice can tip the scale. 可以在rice后停顿,也可不停顿。并非固定。 针对大家读英语无节奏、无轻重概念这一问题,从今天起,周一至周五的早读增加“轻读重读”提示卡,方便大家按照图上标注的节奏读句子。 言之有物 1. 词链儿: a (single) grain of rice (单)一粒米 grain 颗粒 粮食 scale 天平 We should not waste even a single grain of rice. 哪怕是一粒米也不应该浪费。 2. 词链儿:tip the scale tip 使倾斜 scale 本义:使天平倾斜; 抽象:起决定作用; 扭转局势; 占优势 The two candidates are so close in the polls that both are vying for something that will tip the scale in their favor. 两位候选人选票数很接近,所以他们都在争取对自己有利的条件。 拓展: ① tip 小指点/小窍门 useful tips on how to save money 几个省钱的窍门儿 ② tip 小费(可作动词或名词) He gave the waiter a generous tip . 他给了服务员很多小费。 She tipped the porter a dollar. 她给了行李工一元的小费。 ③ on the tip of your tongue 话到嘴边 if a word or name is on the tip of your tongue , you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it 3. victory and defeat 成与败 4. the difference between XX and XX XX 和 XX 之间的不同 What is the difference between this and that? 这个和那个之间的区别是什么?