

2018-05-08    09'28''

主播: TeacherGwen

1460 42

5.08 早读 When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 注意多音节单词的重音位置:e'liminate/im'possible/im'probable 言之有物 1. eliminate verb. ①消除 Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. 有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。 XX eliminate the need to do... XX消除了...的可能=不需要再...了 ②淘汰 I was eliminated from the 400 metres in the semi-finals... 我在400米半决赛中被淘汰。 ③排除 If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet. 如果觉得可能对某种食物或饮料过敏,将其从日常饮食中去除。 2. whatever remains =no matter what remains XX remains/ remained 不及物动词 后不接宾语 拓展:it remains to be seen It remains to be seen whether the operation was successful. 3. however improbable =no matter how improbable improbable=im+probable 不可能的 Probably,he didn’t catch my meaning.