

2018-07-31    11'32''

主播: TeacherGwen

9937 60

7.31 早读 The people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. 根据句意判断重读(强调)位置为:believe/worthy 2. they're的几种读法讲解。 言之有物 1. have a strong sense of XX 有很强的XX感 have a (strong) sense of XX 有(很强的)XX感 have a strong sense of discipline 有很强的纪律性 have a strong sense ofresponsibility 有很强的责任感 have a strong sense of satisfaction 有强烈的满足感 ...... 2. be worthy of XX 值得、配得上、对得起 XX ①be worthy of something/somebody a teacher who is worthy of respect 一位值得尊重的老师 Not one among them was worthy of trust. 他们之中的人一个都不可信。 ②be worthy to do something It is worthy to note that smokers have a higher risk of developing lung cancer. 值得注意的是,吸烟者患肺癌的几率更高。 拓展:worth worthwhile worthy ①worth 值得的/价值 (value) a. XX is worth XX 值XX钱 This necklace is worth two thousand dollars. 项链价值两千美金。 b. be worth doing something If you enjoy reading horror stories, then Stephen King's novels are definitely worth checking out! c. be worth it 表示(某事 / 某人)是值得的 Our trip to Hawaii was totally worth it. 我们这次的夏威夷之旅超值。 ②worthwhile值得的、值得花时间/金钱 be worthwhile to do something It was worthwhile to buy this sofa. It's comfortable and big enough to fit all of us. 这沙发买的很值,又舒服又大到可以容纳我们所有人坐进去。