

2018-08-02    10'31''

主播: TeacherGwen

10238 74

8.02 早读 It seems in today's world, the power to absolve debt is greater than the power of forgiveness. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. absolve 中/b/不完全爆破;debt中的b不发音; 2. forgiveness后面两个元音相同。因此要注意发这两音时口腔肌肉松紧程度相同。 言之有物 1. It seems XX 似乎;看来 seem appear的区别: seem更主观。倾向于主观的认知和感想。 appear比较正式,更倾向于描述客观事实和印象。 It seems that\It appears that…+句子 It seems that I have made the wrong call.我好像做了错误决定。 It appears that you might be right.看起來你可能是对的。 √ He seems to be a happy man. √ He seems like a happy man. ✗ He seems that he is a happy man. 应改为It seems that he is a happy man. 2. absolve debt 免除债务 absolve verb. 赦免…的罪行 Her youth does not absolve her of responsibility for her actions. 她的年少依然无法让她免除她行为的责任。 3. the power to do XX 做某事的力量 the power of XX XX的力量