

2018-10-09    09'14''

主播: TeacherGwen

9770 85

10.09 早读 Believe me, if I were a young woman now, I'd spend more time being, not doing. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. being /j/弱 轻 一带而过 不是 be应 2. doing wing 言之有物 1. if I were a young woman now, I'd... 虚拟语气句式 If I were XX, I would... 这些条件都是未发生的或与现实不符的条件,所以必须得使用假设的说法来表达。 三种句式: ①将来会发生事件的假设:If he should/were to..., he would/should/might/could... If he should go to Harvard University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上哈佛大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。 ②对于现在的虚拟:If he did XX , he would/should/might/could... If he studied at this school, he would know the enviornment around the school very much. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,他会很了解周边环境。 ③对于过去事件的假设:If he had done XX, he would/should/might/could have+动词过去分词 If I had read the book, I would have told you about it. 我如果看过本书,我会告诉你了。 2. spend time doing XX