

2018-11-23    07'47''

主播: TeacherGwen

9246 80

11.23 早读 Moments in time cast a shadow over your life, and change you forever. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. moment 第二个音节弱读 /e/→ 2. cast a shadow over your life 属同一意群,应该每词间不停顿。但如果语速很慢,词间停顿也有可能(正常语速应该连读)。 言之有物 1. Moments in time 时间内的瞬间 in time及时 / on time 准时——在时间点上 He got up late this morning, but he caught his bus in time. 他今早起床晚了,但是他及时赶上了公交车。 The bus came right on time. 火车正点到站。 2. to cast a shadow over/on XX 英文释义 to spoil a good situation with something unpleasant: =to spoil 为XX笼罩阴影 具象→The ship's sail cast a shadow on the water. 船帆在水面上投下一片影子。 抽象→He didn't want to cast a shadow on (= spoil) their happiness. 他不想给他们的幸福蒙上阴影。